The Chinese authorities are increasing their oversight of the country’s large Internet platforms.
The publication of the Draft Measures for the regulation of online trading (网络交易监督管理办法 – 征求意见稿) by China’s State Administration for Market Regulation China’s version of a global regulatory effort to prevent and to sanction some abusive practices which stem from the Platforms market power and dominant positions. The latest regulations put their focus on multihoming and other principles which are key for ensuring a fair competition in the digital age. Article 31 of the Draft Regulations prohibits abuses of market dominance by online trading operators.
Tag: Tencent
Known as the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DC/EP), the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) project piloted by the People’s Bank of China is so far the most advanced projet of its kind in the world. The introduction of a CBDC in the world’s most populous country and second largest economy may have far reaching consequences.