Japan Macro Flash

Japan: Consumer confidence Survey (February 2021)

The Consumer Confidence Survey of February 2021 was released on March 4th, 2021  1. Consumer Confidence Index, Consumer Perception Indices The Consumer Confidence Index (seasonally adjusted series) in February 2021 was 33.8, up 4.2 points from the previous month. The categories of the Consumer Perception Indices (seasonally adjusted series), which are comprised of the Consumer Confidence […]

Business Intelligence China Commodities ENG Future of Energy & Mobility GCC Hydrogen Japan MENA ENG Oil Other G20 / Global United States

Business Intelligence: Is the Hydrogen Economy ready to take-off?

Hydrogen as a feedstock for the petrochemical industry Since the first demonstrations of water electrolysis some two hundred years ago, Hydrogen has witnessed many false dawns. As recorded by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its landmark report on the Future of Hydrogen, commissioned by the Japanese Presidency of the G20 in June 2019, hydrogen […]